Used Compound Bows - Compound Bows

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Used Compound Bows

Getting used compound bows is one of the best ways to start out in archery today. With compound bow prices running upwards of $1200 for some models, a used model bow of the same design can be bought for half the price in many cases.

This also allows you to try a bow out if you don't have that particular dealer in your area before committing to a new bow and the large price tag. With compound bow manufacturers changing designs every single year just because a used compound bow is a year or two old doesn't mean that it is not any good. A lot of times the manufacturer just changes the name but its the same bow.

A bow that has been shot for a year or two and never had any problems is not more prone to break than a new bow is. Most people really take care of their used compound bows and when buying these used compound bows they literally look like brand new.

I have bought many used compound bows because I just could not bring myself to fork out $800 or more for a new bow. Those used compound bows shot just as quiet, were just as fast and just as accurate as any of the new compound bows in the same model.

Compound bow manufacturers warranty most of their bows for the lifetime of the bow to the original owner. You do lose this warranty when buying a used compound bow. But just the fact that they offer this kind of warranty tells me that these bows aren't ever going to break if I take care of it. Matter of fact, I have never had a used compound bow break..... ever, and I've been shooting them for over 30 years. Even if you did have a set of limbs crack, a new set is only $150. That $150 is also for a set of Barnsdales, the best of the best, he'll build them for any bow.

A lot of compound bow shooters buy a new bow every single year. That's madness to me but whatever makes them happy. However, their addiction is often your gain because they then turn around and sell this used compound bow to recover some of their money. You can pick up some great deals most of the time and save hundreds of dollars as a result.

Many of these older used compound bows are arguably some of the best bows ever made and it was a shame to watch them become discontinued. The technology is changing at a rapid pace but I often think these changes are just so they can sell more bows. You don't see a lot of major changes in compound bow design from year to year. You do see a lot of cam tweaks but that doesn't make that cam any better than last years cam.

Some of the more recent major design changes were parallel limbs and beyond parallel limbs. Another that comes to mind is the Two Trac cam. String materials have come a long way as well. I remember not so long ago we were using metal cables with tear drops to hook a fast flight string to. Today's strings are far superior to this old system.

The bottom line though is used compound bows can and are every bit as good as the new bows, imo. If your a hunter, that animal does not know the difference from one bow to the next. As long as that bow fits you and you shoot it well, there is nothing wrong with shooting a used compound bow.

This website has a ton of used bows available through the links on the left. Just check out the brand of used compound bow your thinking about and see for yourself. If you don't see what your after then check back next week. We get new listings in all the time.

Good luck and shoot straight!
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